Academics, COVID-19, Park Forest, Schools, Science

COVID-19: Fall Classes to be held Online at Prairie State College

Prairie State College
Prairie State College. (PHOTO SUPPLIED)

Chicago Heights, IL-(ENEWSPF)- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Prairie State College (PSC) administration has announced that the college will continue to operate virtually through the remainder of the year, and all fall classes will be held online except for Career and Technical Education certain labs. This decision was made as a precautionary measure to protect students, employees, and the community from the coronavirus. 

This decision to maintain a virtual campus was based on the expert’s prediction that the virus may spike at the end of summer and again during flu season — and the potential impact on the college if the officials are accurate. Dr. Thomas Saban, interim PSC president, says, if the state is hit with another wave of coronavirus cases, the college is at risk of having to once again pivot to an online platform, causing an abrupt interruption of coursework and services. 

“We want to minimize the potential impact on our students and employees,” said Saban. “Making this call early allows the college more time to prepare and also gives our faculty and staff the resources necessary to provide students an excellent online experience.”

Saban says college employees will continue to work remotely, to the greatest extent possible, while still providing the necessary services to students and the community. Guidelines for reopening the building for employees are being considered, though a timeline for reopening has not been established. 

“Campus-wide efforts will remain focused on offering students the services and classroom experiences that they would have otherwise experienced in person,” said Saban.

The college administration continues to monitor the daily updates provided by the federal and local governments and will continue to follow, at a minimum, Governor J.B. Pritzker’s stay at home orders and upcoming “Restore Illinois” plans regarding social distancing and group gathering restrictions and, with regard to reopening college buildings to students and the community. 

PSC will provide updates as they become available. For frequently asked questions, visit

This is news from Prairie State College.

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