National, Park Forest

Bicameral “Wear Orange” Resolution in Observance of National Gun Violence Awareness Month Introduced in Congress

Washington, D.C.—(ENEWSPF)—Illinois members of Congress introduced the Wear Orange Resolution supporting June 2024 as “National Gun Violence Awareness Month.” The resolution also endorses the June 7, 2024, designation “National Gun Violence Awareness Day.” U.S. Representative Robin Kelly (D-IL-02), U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) put forward the bicameral legislation.

43,000 Americans a Year Dead from Gun Violence

end gun violence, wear orange, orange resolution

Each year, more than 43,000 people in the United States die from gun violence. Likewise, gun violence injures 76,000, depriving many of a promising future. Designating both a specific day and month to bring attention to the issue of gun violence honors the thousands of Americans who are victims of gun violence every year. This includes Hadiya Pendleton, who was shot and killed in Chicago, Illinois, on January 29, 2013.

Hadiya would have celebrated her 27th birthday this June.

The resolution also urges citizens and community leaders to concentrate heightened attention on gun violence during June, when gun violence typically spikes at the start of the summer months, and to work together to make our communities safer.

Honoring Hadiya Pendleton and thousands others, wear orange resolution
Wear orange this month. Honor Hadiya Pendleton and the thousands that gun violence in America kills and injures each year. (Family Photo)

Congresswoman Robin Kelly on the Wear Orange Resolution

“Our children and grandchildren deserve to attend school, walk down their street, or visit a park without fear of losing their lives to gun violence,” said Kelly. “I commit to passing commonsense solutions that address the root causes of this crisis. We must stop the cycle of violence in our communities. No family should have to suffer the tragic loss of a loved one to gun violence.”

Senator Dick Durbin: “A public health crisis”

“Undeniably, gun violence is a public health crisis in this country. Now, it is the leading cause of death for American kids. We hear of horrific shootings and their death tolls and injuries every day.  Too many families are losing children, parents, siblings, and loved ones to gunfire,” said Durbin. “As the summer begins and brings a rise in shootings along with it, we remember the victims of gun violence like Hadiya Pendleton.  We must recommit ourselves to real solutions to curb this crisis.  I call on my Republican colleagues to work alongside Democrats to pass additional, commonsense gun violence prevention measures to address this national tragedy.”

Senator Tammy Duckworth: “Lives tragically cut short”

“As our nation continues to face acts of senseless mass gun violence, we are reminded that far too many of our friends and loved ones have had their lives tragically cut short,” said Duckworth. “During this year’s Gun Violence Awareness Month, we must not only honor the victims of gun violence like Hadiya Pendleton but commit to taking action that will protect our children and help keep our communities safe.”

NOTE: Unfortunately, reports from eNews Park Forest made it into the Gun Violence Archive: here, here, and here, to name a few. The Archive cites us in 2017. We are not proud to share instances of gun violence in Park Forest with the world. We wholeheartedly endorse red flag laws, more vigorous background checks, and the permanent renewal of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.