
Rich East Students Spend Part of Summer Vacation Visiting Historical Sites in Europe

Tour Eiffel Tower Rich East
Rich East Students Elyse Terrazas, Sarah Abbott and Teagan Thompson at the base of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The three stellar Rocket Students were part of the seven Rich East students and nearly 30 students and staff from Rich Towship Svhool DFistrict 227 who visited Europe earlier this summer. (PHOTO SUPPLIED)

Park Forest, IL-(ENEWSPF)- So what have you done on your summer vacation? Well, students from Rich East High School began their summer vacation with a trip to remember.

Earlier this summer, more than 30 students and staff from Rich East High School in Park Forest, visited London and Paris as part of a historical journey that they will always remember. The students from Rich East are: Sarah Abbott, Zachary Abbott, Annakira Cole, Asha Daily, Mariah Moran, Elyse Tezzaras and Teagan Thompson.  Their teacher, Marisa Ptak and Andrea Clark from Rich South were also among the chaparones. The students spent nealy 10 days  visiting various historical sites and lived the culture and visited the area they had been reading and studying about all year.

Clos de luce
Earlier this summer, Students from Rich East, Rich Central and Rich South visited Clos du Luce in Amboise, France, where Da Vinci lived at the end of his life. The group were part of students in History of Thought and Western Man classes. (Image Supplied)

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