WASHINGTON, D.C. –(ENEWSPF)–November 3, 2014. Today, U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz released the following statement regarding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s final Synthesis Report:
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s final Synthesis Report reiterates many of the critical takeaways from the last three reports. Leading climate scientists from many countries have restated their conclusion that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, sea level is rising and the effect of human activity on the climate system is clear. The IPCC also notes that recent changes to the climate system are impacting human and natural systems now, in line with the conclusions reached for the United States in the Third Annual Climate Assessment released by the Administration in June.
“Acting now is essential if we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate change and minimize economic impact of climate risk mitigation and of adaptation to climate impacts, such as those associated with sea level rise and extreme weather.
“The United States has already been actively addressing these critical issues through the President’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP approach to mitigation encompasses an all-of-the-above energy strategy that includes strong investments in clean energy technologies all along the innovation chain from early stage research to accelerated deployment. New initiatives and current programs aim to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions from our fossil fuel plants and transportation sector, advance nuclear power, and scale renewable power sources. The CAP also addresses climate impacts, including the development of a 21st century energy infrastructure that is more resilient to climate risks and enabling of clean energy system. Energy infrastructure initiatives provide the initial focus of the Administration-wide Quadrennial Energy Review, which is well underway.
“We look forward to working with Congress, states and regions, international partners, business, civil society, and stakeholders from the faith community to the national security establishment to meet the climate challenge while continuing to grow the economy through the President’s all-of-the-above strategy. This latest IPCC report serves to reinforce the importance and urgency of collective action.”
Source: energy.gov