
Statement by Representative Schakowsky on the Electricity Security and Affordability Act

Washington, D.C.—(ENEWSPF)—March 6, 2014. Rep. Jan Schakowsky released the following statement after the passage of H.R. 3826, the Electricity Security and Affordability Act:

“Today I voted against passage of H.R. 3826, a bill that would prevent the EPA from meaningfully regulating pollution from power plants – the country’s single biggest emitter of carbon pollution.  At a time when sea levels are rapidly rising and severe drought, wildfires, and hurricanes are happening with increasing frequency around the country, we owe it to future generations to take strong action against climate change.  The Republican majority has not only refused to take Congressional action, with this legislation it would prevent the EPA from using its clear authority under the Clean Air Act to curb pollution.  We cannot afford to stand by as the world warms – perhaps irreversibly – before our eyes.  We certainly cannot undermine federal agencies that are taking responsible action.  Fortunately, the Senate has no plans to consider the bill and the White House has issued a veto threat, so it has no chance of becoming law.

“There is still time to take action on climate change, but it requires an acceptance of the facts.  I offered an amendment to the bill which would have acknowledged the scientific fact that ‘greenhouse gas pollution is contributing to long-lasting changes in our climate that can have a range of negative effects.’  Only three Republicans crossed party lines to support my amendment.  As I said to my Congressional colleagues, history will not be kind to climate change deniers.  I will continue to push for Congressional action to combat climate change and to support the EPA’s authority to protect public health and the environment.”

Source: Schakowsky.house.gov


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