WASHINGTON, DC–(ENEWSPF)–January 7, 2016 – As armed militants continue to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon, today on the House floor, Representative Earl Blumenauer (OR-03) rallied support for public lands.
To follow is an excerpt of Representative Blumenauer’s remarks. Click here to watch the full remarks.
“With the odd drama playing out in Oregon, where armed thugs have taken over a federal wildlife refuge facility, it’s important to reflect on what the wildlife refuge system is all about.
“If these people have any argument with the President, it was President Roosevelt who 108 years ago established the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as a response to protect precious natural resources.
“…Today, we benefit from the foresight of this conservation president, who provided the cornerstone of environmental protection that enriches us all.
“… These amazing treasures are not just scenic wonders. They hold extraordinarily valuable habitat for wildlife and water fowl, helping preserve the land, water and ecosystems that go far beyond what is spectacular to look at.
“This is America’s heritage. We struggle on an ongoing basis to recover from the reckless, thoughtless exploitation of the last two centuries. The vast majority of the American public supports this effort, even if they never visit the remote Western regions.
“… The sideshow with the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge obscures a much larger and important public policy: protecting our heritage, enhancing it, and avoiding a reckless behavior of a few that will penalize generations to come.
“It would be valuable for us all to look behind the headlines at the facts on the ground, the history of the resource, the struggle for protection, and the tremendous benefits for all Americans.”
Source: http://www.blumenauer.house.gov