
The City That Grow Together: Community Gardens in Chicago

CHICAGO–(ENEWSPF)–March 19, 2013.  As the Spring growing season begins, join the Historic Pullman Garden Club for refreshments and good company, as we continue our 2013 Winter Lecture series, on Sunday, March 24, beginning at 3 p.m. at the Greenstone Church Fellowship Hall, 11211 South St. Lawrence, Chicago.

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We will give a warm Pullman welcome to NeighborSpace Executive Director Ben Helphand who will introduce you to the NeighborSpace, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to acquire and preserve the community-based management of small parks, gardens, natural areas, river edges, and scenic landscapes in the City of Chicago for preservation, conservation and educational public open space purposes.  NeighborSpace is Chicago’s only community garden land-trust, with a network of 82 gardens, in 30 wards across the city, including our own Gateway Garden.

A Power Point presentation and seed give-away are part of the workshop.

The event is open to all and reservations are not required.  For additional information, call Susan James at 773-568-4669 or visit http://www.hpgc.org/ or http://www.neighbor-space.org/.


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