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Spalding In-Ground Basketball Hoops Recalled By Russell Brands Due to Impact Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–August 4, 2009.  The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: Spalding In-Ground Basketball Hoops Units: About 1,700 Importer/Distributor: Russell Brands[Read More…]

Baby Hammocks Recalled by Nova Natural Toys & Crafts

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–August 4, 2009.  The following product safety recall was voluntarily conducted by the firm in cooperation with the CPSC. Consumers should stop using the product immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: Yayita Baby Hammocks Units: About 265 (Related recalls have been issued: #08-604 and #09-761) Distributor: Nova Natural[Read More…]

Baby Hammocks Recalled by Kaplan Early Learning

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–August 4, 2009.  The following product safety recall was voluntarily conducted by the firm in cooperation with the CPSC. Consumers should stop using the product immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: La Siesta Yayita Baby Hammocks Units: About 200 (Related recalls have been issued: #08-604 and #09-760) Distributor:[Read More…]

‘CNN’s Dobbs Problem’ Ad Set to Hit CNN Airwaves: Media Matters Announces Ad Campaign Calling for Accountability From ‘The Most Trusted Name in News’

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)– Media Matters for America today announced the launch of a television ad campaign calling for CNN to credibly address its Lou Dobbs problem. The ad, set to air this week on Dobbs’ CNN program as well as on Fox News and MSNBC, demonstrates how CNN has repeatedly allowed[Read More…]

Class Reunions Scheduled at Marian Catholic High School

Chicago Heights, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Marian Catholic High School announced the following class reunions today. Class of 1974 The Marian Catholic High School Class of 1974 will celebrate its 35 Year Reunion on Oct. 3. at 6:30 p.m. in the new Sr. M. Paul McCaughey Leadership Center , 700 Ashland Ave. ,[Read More…]

Birthers and their Misinformed History of Kenya

Commentary To be fair, I am neither a “birther” or a “deather.” Birthers are struggling like anything to prove that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. “Deathers,” a relatively new term, are those who are trying to convince seniors that the health care plan before Congress will[Read More…]

Voluntary Recall of Romaine Head Lettuce

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–August 3, 2009.  Tanimura & Antle, Inc. of Salinas, California is expanding the geographic scope of its voluntary recall of bulk and wrapped romaine head lettuce.  Although the volume of cases from the single recalled lot has not changed, the company recognizes the possibility that some customers may have[Read More…]

Colleges and Universities Partner with VA to Improve GI Bill Benefits

WASHINGTON, DC–(ENEWSPF)–August 3, 2009.  Today, President Obama celebrated the beginning of implementation of the Post 9/11 GI Bill. This bill, through its Yellow Ribbon Programs and partnerships with colleges and universities throughout the nation, will provide our service members with the most generous educational benefits package since the original GI[Read More…]