A winter past at the Park Forest Police Station. (Photo: Gary Kopycinski)
Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)–Editor’s Note: We continue our reporting on news from police reports. Besides covering the many stories from around Park Forest that otherwise might go unnoticed, we want to bring more complete coverage of police reports than is reported by other local media.
An arrest does not mean that a person is guilty. All those arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty. It is the policy of eNews Park Forest to not remove items in the public record from publication. If your name is listed in the police reports, we will only add information relevant to the final disposition of the case at hand, e.g. "Mr. Smith was subsequently acquitted," "Mr. Smith entered a guilty plea," or "All charges against Mr. Smith were subsequently dropped." We will do so upon receiving and verifying proof of such disposition.
Persons wishing to leave anonymous information on any criminal matters including narcotics or gang activity are encouraged to call 708-748-1309 and leave a message on Detective Beilke’s voice mail.
Three cases of juice boxes valued at $50 were reported stolen from a refrigerator at Forest Trail Middle School on December 19. Police say a refrigerator in the school’s cafeteria had been pried open.
A Park Forest resident went to his bank in Madison on December 23 to get a money order. While at the bank, he was advised of two separate purchases in an amount exceeding $5000 total charged against his account to Amazon.com. The resident advised police that he had not authorized these payments. Police are investigating.
Winifred Dunlap, 55, 5280 Trinity Pl., Matteson, was issued a municipal citation charging illegal dumping when police responded to the first block of Antioch Street to investigate an incident of reported illegal dumping. Police say that upon arrival, officers noticed a pile of garbage in the middle of a lot in that block. The garbage contains several pieces of drywall, cabinets, a toilet, and other miscellaneous items, including two packaging slips from Home Depot which officers were able to connect to Dunlap, according to police.
Police responded to a business in the 100 block of South Orchard Drive on December 29 to investigate a report of burglary from a motor vehicle. Police say the owner of the vehicle did not know when items had been taken from the back seat of the vehicle, where the vehicle had been parked when the items were taken, nor whether the vehicle was locked at the time. Items reported missing include an Apple iPad mini valued at $299.99, some video equipment, and other electronic equipment valued at $55 total.
Terron T. Jacox, 18, 175 Indianwood Blvd., Park Forest, was arrested on December 30 and charged with battery when police responded to the 100 block of Indianwood Boulevard to investigate a report of battery.
A resident told police on December 31 that he had received a call from a collections agency advising him that he owed $1223.50 for a Comcast account that had been opened in his name. The resident advised police that he had a Comcast account, but the account under question was a second account opened using his Social Security number and had a different Comcast identification number than his original account. Police are investigating.
Marchaz E. Glass, 25, 642 6th Ave., Glenwood, MN, was arrested on January 1 and charged with domestic battery when police were dispatched to a report of a disturbance near Neosho Street and Nashua Street at approximately 3:51 AM. Police say the caller advised that a male subject was pushing a female subject down in the street. According to the report, the male subject pushed the female down, picked her up, and pushed her down again. When police arrived, an officer observed the male subject, later identified as Marchaz E. Glass, push the female subject down in the driveway of a residence in the 100 block of Nashua Street, according to police.
Officers were dispatched to 200 Lakewood Boulevard on January 2 in reference to a report of fraud. Police say a resident told them she was out to dinner when she discovered that a debit card and a credit card were missing. Police have suspect information and are investigating.
Police say a resident in the 200 block of Ash Street told them that he heard what appeared to be "shots fired" right after midnight on January 1, 2014. The resident told police that he went out to his vehicle at around 1:25 AM and discovered that the trunk was damaged. Police observed what appeared to be a bullet hole in the upper right-hand corner of the trunk door.
A red 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt, Illinois license X407174, was reported stolen from outside Walgreens Pharmacy, 15 S. Orchard Drive, on January 3. Police say the vehicle had been left in the parking lot for approximately 10 minutes while the driver ran into the store. According to police, the keys were in the ignition, the ignition was left running, and the doors of the vehicle were unlocked.