Park Forest, IL-(ENEWSPF)- Editor’s Note: These Park Forest Police blotter reports cover May 1 through May 7, 2018. During this week, a man arrested on a domestic battery charge attempted suicide twice while in custody in the Park Forest Police Department. People in custody in Park Forest are under constant video supervision. Police were quick to act and saved the man — twice — from committing suicide. Know the risk factors for suicide.
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eNews Park Forest reports this information because the public in the United States has the right to know. When that information is withheld or under-reported, it leaves questions. We also want to show the work that the police force does every day that is not reported. Police in Park Forest respond to thousands of calls per year, the vast majority of which do not entail arrests. Whether it’s conducting a routine investigation, pulling over a drunk driver, or responding to a possible theft at a store, the work of the police officer deserves acknowledgement by the public.
An arrest does not mean that a person is guilty. All those arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty. It is the policy of eNews Park Forest to not remove items in the public record from publication. If your name is listed in the police reports, we will only add information relevant to the final disposition of the case at hand, e.g. “Mr. Smith was subsequently acquitted,” “Mr. Smith entered a guilty plea,” or “All charges against Mr. Smith were subsequently dropped.” We will do so upon receiving and verifying proof of such disposition.
Persons wishing to leave anonymous information on any criminal matters including narcotics or gang activity are encouraged to call the Park Forest Police Department Investigations Division at (708) 748-1309.
Driving While License Suspended
Jesse J. Williams, 41, 22012 Millard Ave., Richton Park, was arrested on May 1 and charged with driving while license was suspended, obstructing identification, and speeding when an officer observed a vehicle traveling southbound on Western Avenue from Illinois Street at a high rate of speed.
The vehicle was traveling 53 miles per hour in a 35 miles per hour zone, according to police.
The officer curbed the vehicle at Andover Street and Andover Court in Chicago Heights.
The officer spoke with the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle who identified himself as Paris Bester and provided a birthdate. After a LEADS check, it was determined that Bester’s license had expired in 2014. Another officer responded to the scene. The subject was placed in handcuffs and put into the rear of a squad car.
After an inventory of the vehicle, an officer located a wallet containing an ID for Jesse J. Williams near the center console. After a LEADS check, it was learned that Williams had an outstanding warrant on a charge of domestic battery plus a suspended driver’s license. Williams was transported to the Park Forest Police Department, placed in a cell pending transportation to Will County on the domestic battery warrant as Williams was not able to obtain the bond amount, according to police.
Retail Theft
Brandon C. Robinson, 31, 23054 Farm Trace Drive, Richton Park, was arrested on May 1 and charged with one count of retail theft after police were dispatched to the 7-Eleven at 425 Sauk Trail to investigate a report of retail theft.
When police arrived, they reviewed surveillance footage that showed a man take three 24 ounce cans of Steel Reserve beer, place them into a black bag, and then leave the store without paying for the merchandise, according to the report. Police took a description of the alleged offender and an officer advised shortly thereafter that he had initiated an investigative stop with a subject matching that description at the Marathon Gas Station at 385 Sauk Trail.
The subject was later identified as Brandon C. Robinson.
While speaking with the officers, Mr. Robinson said that he did not take any beer from 7-Eleven, but was unable to provide a receipt showing that he had paid for the beer he had with him at that time. Mr. Robinson had one 24 ounce can of Steel Reserve in his possession which was cold to the touch, according to police. When he spoke with officers he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath and person, according to police.
Mr. Robinson was later given and I-Bond and a court date of May 22, 2018 at Markham Court House.
Driving While License Suspended
Kamesha Nichols, 21, 2418 178th St., Lansing, was arrested on May 2 and charged with one count of driving while license was suspended, issued a citation charging no front plate, and issued a municipal citation charging possession of cannabis.
An officer observed a vehicle traveling westbound on Sauk Trail at 8:53 AM that had no front plate. The officer checked the Law Enforcement Agency Database System (LEADS) and learned that the driver, Ms. Nichols, had a suspended driver’s license. Ms. Nichols’ vehicle was towed from the scene.
While at the Park Forest Police Department, the officer located a green leafy substance, suspect cannabis, inside Ms. Nichols’ purse, according to police.
Criminal Damage To Property
Chanelle A. Moore, 38, 248 Dallas St., Gary, IN, was arrested on May 6 and charged with criminal damage to property after police responded to a residence in the 400 block of Winnebago Street on May 4 two investigate a complaint of criminal damage to property.
According to SouthCom Dispatch, Ms. Chanelle A. Moore had just egged the complainant’s residence and was fleeing the scene in a black Hyundai.
The complainant was inside her residence on Winnebago Street when she heard loud bangs on her front window, according to the report.
She looked out the front door and observed Ms. Moore and a juvenile on the sidewalk in front of her residence. Ms. Moore allegedly threw an egg at the residence and the complainant exited to confront her. As the complainant approached, Ms. Moore ran to a black Hyundai and the vehicle fled the area.
The complainant said she is familiar with Ms. Moore because they both have children with the same man and routinely argue about his affection, according to police.
Police had difficulty finding Ms. Moore until they learned that Ms. Moore’s mother resides in Park Forest and Moore occasionally visits her. Police located the address of Ms. Moore’s mother in the 300 block of Farragut Street and discovered a black Hyundai matching the description from earlier.
At the residence, police spoke with a juvenile who said that Ms. Moore was inside the residence and he would get her. The juvenile entered the residence and never returned.
Another officer arrived on the scene to assist and a tow truck was summoned to seize the black vehicle for being used in the commission of a crime. The vehicle was towed from the scene and seized under local ordinance. Ms. Moore never exited the residence.
On May 6, at approximately 8:30 AM, an officer spoke with Ms. Moore via telephone and she agreed to turn herself into the Park Forest Police Department later in the day. She arrived at the Park Forest Police Department and surrendered herself at 11:20 AM. Ms. Moore was processed on a charge of criminal damage to property and given a court date of June 22 at Markham Courthouse. She was given an I-Bond and released.
Possession of Cannabis
Leondo A. Street Jr., 21, 300 Cedar Ridge Lane, Richton Park, was arrested on May 7 and charged with possession of cannabis over 30 grams when an officer was behind a vehicle at approximately 1:30 AM facing northbound on Central Park Avenue at Sauk Trail waiting at a red light.
The officer waited for a few minutes and noticed that the vehicle was approximately one full car length from Sauk Trail. From experience, according to the report, the officer understood that the light will not cycle if there is not a car closer to Sauk Trail.
The officer pulled up along the driver’s side of the vehicle and signaled the driver to roll down his window. Upon doing so, the officer noticed a very strong smell of burnt cannabis coming from inside the vehicle.
The officer then backed up his squad car and got behind the vehicle, activating his overhead light to affect a traffic stop. Two other officers arrived on the scene. There were four additional subjects in the vehicle besides the driver. One of them, Mr. Leondo Street, was the owner of the vehicle.
An officer read all five subjects their Miranda rights. Mr. Street allegedly stated that he was the owner of the vehicle and the container of cannabis that police discovered. Mr. Street was placed into a squad car. The other four subjects were released and the vehicle was turned over to the person who had been driving.
While at the Park Forest Police Department, an officer field-tested the suspect cannabis and it tested positive. It weighed approximately 55 grams. Mr. Street was charged and given a court date of June 28 in Markham.
Domestic Battery, Attempted Suicide
Kevin D. Garvin, 40, 2124 W. 70th St., Chicago, was arrested on May 7 and charged with domestic battery when police responded to the first block of Winslow Street to investigate a report of a domestic disturbance in progress. When police arrived, they saw a juvenile running out of the residence toward the officers screaming, “He’s inside hitting my sister.”
According to police, Mr. Garvin, an ex-boyfriend of the woman living there, entered the residence using his key. He entered his daughter’s room, woke her up, and then allegedly hit her with a belt on the upper left side of her thigh, according to police. A woman ran into the room to stop Mr. Garvin from hitting the girl. Mr. Garvin allegedly pushed the woman with an open hand on her face, causing her to fall, according to police.
While in a cell at the Park Forest Police Department, Mr. Garvin attempted to commit suicide by tearing apart his shirt, placing it around his neck, and hitting his head on the cell wall. Police rushed into the cell to stop and secure him from harming himself.
He was transported to St. James Hospital in Olympia Fields.
He was later returned to the Park Forest Police Department lockup. Upon returning, his pants were removed and he was issued a safety “jumpsuit,” which he refused to put on. Police assisted him into a cell.
While inside the cell he began hitting his head on the wall attempting to cause himself harm, according to police. He was transported back to St. James Hospital in Olympia Fields.
Please see information on suicide and suicide prevention below.
Criminal Trespass
Joshua T. Cathey, 21, 116 Marquette St., Park Forest, was arrested on May 7 and charged with one count of criminal trespass to real property when police were dispatched to a business in the 100 block of South Orchard Drive to investigate a report of criminal trespass.
Dispatch advised police that a man was inside the store after receiving a note trespass warning, according to police.
When they arrived, police spoke with Mr. Cathey who stated that he was previously banned from the store, but is a regular customer and most of the managers do not call police on him, according to the report.
Police learned that Mr. Cathey had been banned from the store on March 12, 2018, by another officer, case #18PF03823.
Mr. Cathey was taken into custody and transported to the Park Forest Police Department. He was given a court date of May 22, 2018 at Markham Courthouse.
Risk factors for suicide
The Mayo Clinic website lists several risk factors. Factors that put people at higher risk include:
- A prior suicide attempt
- Having a psychiatric disorder, such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or personality disorders
- Alcohol or substance abuse
- A family history of mental disorders or substance abuse
- A family history of suicide
- Family violence, including physical or sexual abuse
- Firearms in the home
- A significant medical illness, such as cancer or chronic pain
Potential warning signs of suicide
While stressing that some people don’t reveal any suicidal feelings or actions, the Mayo Clinic website lists some typical warning signs:
- Talking about suicide, including making such statements as “I’m going to kill myself,” “I wish I were dead,” or “I wish I hadn’t been born”
- Withdrawing from social contact and having an increased desire to be left alone
- Wide mood swings, such as being emotionally high one day but deeply discouraged the next
- Preoccupation with death and dying or violence
- Changes in routine, including eating or sleeping patterns
- Personality changes, such as becoming very outgoing after being shy
- Risky or self-destructive behavior, such as drug use or unsafe driving
- Giving away belongings or getting affairs in order
- Saying goodbye to people as if they won’t be seen again
Hopeline Network
Joanna LaBelle Drackert, NCC LPC, who serves as a guidance counselor at Marian Catholic High School, provided the following comments on suicide and suicide prevention, “Suicide is a very permanent solution for what may feel like an overwhelming obstacle in your or someone else’s life. Remember to take the feelings of hopelessness seriously. There are people who will listen and help and really care. If you are in need of help please call the hotline number or contact a counselor, teacher, clergy, doctor, parent, or friend. DO NOT ISOLATE YOURSELF. You do not have to be alone. Reach out immediately!”
LaBelle provided the number of the Hopeline Network, 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).
Sources: Park Forest police reports, http://www.mayoclinic.com, http://www.hopeline.com/