
Election Results: Theresa M. Settles, Robert McCray and JeRome Brown Win In Park Forest

Park Forest Board Room
The Park Forest Village Board Room. (ENEWSPF)

Park Forest Village Trustee April 9 Consolidated Election Unofficial Results

Cook County

Andrew DiCosmo (Independent) 13.04% 616
Theresa M. Settles (Independent) 14.05% 664
Robert McCray (Independent) 14.01% 662
Darryl L. Jordan (Independent) 6.58% 311
Tiffani Graham (Independent) 13.06% 617
David Atkins III (Independent) 4.04% 191
Randy Simmons (Independent) 3.17% 150
Jonathan Vanderbilt (Independent) 11.92% 563
JeRome Brown (Independent) 13.08% 618
Joseph Carroll (Independent) 7.05% 333

Will County

Andrew DiCosmo (IND) 12.36% 64
Theresa M. Settles (IND) 14.29% 74
Robert McCray (IND) 12.55% 65
Darryl L. Jordan (IND) 3.67% 19
Tiffani Graham (IND) 12.36% 64
David Atkins, III (IND) 5.21% 27
Randy Simmons (IND) 3.28% 17
Jonathan Vanderbilt (IND) 11.78% 61
JeRome Brown (IND) 15.83% 82
Joseph Carroll (IND) 8.69% 45

Totals (winners show asterisks):

Cook County Will County Total
Andrew DiCosmo (IND) 616 64 680
Theresa M. Settles (IND) 664 74 *738
Robert McCray (IND) 662 65 *727
Darryl L. Jordan (IND) 311 19 330
Tiffani Graham (IND) 617 64 681
David Atkins, III (IND) 191 27 218
Randy Simmons (IND) 150 17 167
Jonathan Vanderbilt (IND) 563 61 624
JeRome Brown (IND) 618 82 *700
Joseph Carroll (IND) 333 45 378

Park Forest Library Trustee April 9 Consolidated Election Unofficial Results

Library Trustee – Cook County

Erik Duvall Rodman (NonPartisan) 14.69% 608
Linda E Marron (NonPartisan) 15.7% 650
Felicia M Rangel (NonPartisan) 13.87% 574
Kim D Peake (NonPartisan) 12.18% 504
Gayles E Evans (NonPartisan) 15.83% 655
Kristal Hudson (NonPartisan) 11.16% 462
Sandra Flowers (NonPartisan) 16.57% 686

Library Trustee Will County

Erik Duvall Rodman 12.69% 58
Linda E. Marron 15.75% 72
Felicia M. Rangel 17.07% 78
Kim D. Peake 12.91% 59
Gayles E. Evans 12.69% 58
Kristal Hudson 10.94% 50
Sandra Flowers 17.94% 82

Totals – Library Trustee (winners show asterisks):

Cook County Will County Total
Erik Duvall Rodman 608 58 666
Linda E. Marron 650 72 *722
Felicia M. Rangel 574 78 652
Kim D. Peake 504 59 563
Gayles E. Evans 655 58 *713
Kristal Hudson 462 50 512
Sandra Flowers 686 82 *768

There were 1,952 ballots cast in Cook County, a 16.25% turnout. In Will County, 518 votes were cast for Village Trustee, 457 for Library Trustee.

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Theresa M. Settles, Robert McCray and JeRome Brown won for Park Forest Trustee. Sandra Flowers, Linda E. Marron and Gayles E. Evans won for Library Trustee.

Results are unofficial.

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