Park Forest, IL-(ENEWSPF)- Village Manager Tom Mick provides regular, comprehensive updates at meetings of the Village Board. eNews Park Forest will begin publishing these updates for our readers. They are yet another avenue for residents to stay informed. We appreciate Mr. Mick providing an electronic copy of this update to facilitate sharing this information with the public.
The announcements from Tuesday’s board meeting follow.
Civic Leadership Academy:
The application deadline for year 3 of the Park Forest Civic Leadership Academy has passed. Approximately 18 to 20 participants will be attending Academy sessions over the next 9 months and we had a Meet & Greet with many of them before this evening’s meeting. Residents who might have questions about this program can find more details at www.villageofparkforest.com/civicleadership
Saturday Morning Rules Meeting:
The next Saturday Morning Rules Meeting is scheduled for this coming Saturday, September 9th beginning at 10 AM in the Board Conference Room of Village Hall. The meeting is open to the public and residents are invited attend.
Saturday Morning Gardening Series:
The Park Forest Environment Commission’s Saturday Morning Gardening Series will continue on Saturday, September 9th. The topic will be Butterfly Gardens. The Gardening Series sessions take place on the 3rd Saturday of each month starting at 10:30 AM in the Wetlands Discovery Center, which is located at 30 N. Orchard on the northwest corner of the Park Forest Aqua Center building.
Tim Jones Fundraiser/Benefit:
Dunagains Irish Pub in Downtown Park Forest will be hosting its 2nd Annual fundraiser for Park Forest Police Officer Tim Jones. The event will include a pig roast, live music and festivities this coming Saturday, September 9th from 2 PM to 11 PM. This fundraiser last year raised $5,000 in donations that were forwarded to Officer Jones and Dunagains representatives are hopeful to match this amount with Saturday’s event. #TimStrong
Family Fun Day & Housing Expo:
A Family Fun Day and Housing Expo will take place from 10 AM to Noon on Saturday, September 16th at Freedom Hall. Workshops will include information on reverse mortgages and refinancing in addition to an “Ask the Expert” session. For more details, please contact Evelyn Sterling at Village Hall by calling 283-5621.
Park Forest Art Fair:
The 62nd Annual Park Forest Art Fair will take place from 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, September 16th and Sunday, September 17th. More details on this wonderful event can be found at the web site for the Tall Grass Arts Association – or you can find them on Facebook.
Community Wide Garage Sale:
A Community Wide Garage Sale will take place the same weekend as the Art Fair with sale dates on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 15th to 17th. Residents interested in participating can call the Village Manager’s Office at Village Hall and let us know if you’d like to participate and on what dates you would prefer. At last count today I think we now have approximately 60 properties
Household Hazardous Waste Event:
A Household Hazardous Waste event will take place from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, September 30th in the parking lot of Continental Midland on south Western Avenue. This event allows residents to dispose of numerous household chemicals, pesticides, oils, etc. that cannot be put out with the garbage each week. For more details on what will be accepted and not accepted, please visit the Village web site.
Job Fair:
The Commission on Human Relations is hosting a Job Fair from 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday, September 30th in the Board Room of Village Hall. For more details, please contact Evelyn Sterling at Village Hall by calling 283-5621.
Pancake Day:
The annual Kiwanis Club Pancake Day is set for Saturday, October 7th. Location will be from 7 AM to 1 PM in the cafeteria at Rich East High School. Additional details can be found on Facebook. Advanced tickets are now available for purchase at the Recreation & Parks counter at Village Hall. Tickets purchased in advance save $1 off the ticket price for adults and for children.