
Union Members Join Biggest (Yet) Occupy Wall Street Action


Photo Credit: NNU
Members of National Nurses United, Transport Workers and other unions joined yesterday’s Occupy Wall Street march and rally.

Washington, DC–(ENEWSPF)–October 6, 2011.  In the biggest demonstration since the Occupy Wall Street protest began Sept. 17, New York City union members, college students and other activists joined the protesters yesterday evening for a march and rally that was several thousand strong, according to news reports.

They marched from the Occupy Wall Street’s encampment at Zuccotti Park to City Hall. Addressing the crowd from the steps of City Hall, Communications Workers of America (CWA) Vice President Christopher Shelton said:

“Every one of us is here because of corporate greed. It’s time not to occupy Wall Street, but to take back Wall Street.” CWA is among dozens of unions backing the weeks-long protest. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said by video message that the union movement opens its “heart and arms” to those at the Wall Street protests.

George White, a retired union member from Brooklyn, told The New York Times:

“These are the children of mothers and fathers who have worked hard all their lives and now can’t put food on the tables. These are the children who can’t pay off their loans, who have nowhere to go and no opportunities.

The protesters say the nation’s economy has worked well for the top 1 percent but left the other 99 percent facing jobs loss, wage cuts, home foreclosures and more. It’s time to hold Wall Street and the financial industry accountable, pay their fair share and use corporate America’s trillions of dollars in profits and cash assets to create jobs.”

Helen Curran, a student at Pace University, told CBS2 New York:

“We are the 99 percent, you know, and it’s not fair that people don’t have to pay taxes, that corporations don’t have to pay taxes and like we do.  It’s like my mom pays more taxes than like Wal-Mart does.”

Yesterday, before the march and rally, Transport Workers (TWU) President James C. Little said:

“Occupy Wall Street is a genuine grass roots movement, and our members are proud to stand side by side with Americans who are fighting for economic and social justice.  It’s time to hold those responsible for the financial crisis responsible for their actions.”

Click here for a list of unions supporting and participating in the Occupy Wall Street actions.

Beginning Oct. 10, AFL-CIO unions are launching a week of America Wants to Work actions around the country, some in conjunction with the Occupy Wall Street protests that have sprung up from Hawaii to Washington, D.C. Find an event near you by clicking here.



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