Author: Cheryl Warshaw

Lions Opening Eyes at Medfest Special Olympics

Lions Club members at the Medfest Special Olympics. (PHOTO SUPPLIED) Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Two members of the Park Forest Lions, Allen & Cheryl Warshaw, recently attended the Medfest Special Olympics Opening Eyes at the United Center. The Warshaws volunteered to do pretesting of eyes of the athletes. Both agreed it[Read More…]

Lions Club Offers 2007 Recap

Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)—The Park Forest Lions in the year 2007 sent 30 people to Lens Crafters for eye exams and glasses (six children and 24 senior citizens).   In addition, the Park Forest Lions bought assistive devices from the Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, for a Park Forest Resident. [Read More…]

Park Forest Lions Club

Lions Club Collecting Used Eye Glasses

Members of the Park Forest Lions Club, Seated (left to right) Paula & Donald Clark, Allen Warshaw, Standing (left to right) Ted Kowynia, Robert Kimes, Dr. Joshua Oni, Herbert Adler, Jim Hopper, President (Photo: PF Lions Club) Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)— The Park Forest Lions Club is collecting used eye glasses[Read More…]


Lions Club of Park Forest News Item

Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Since 1917 Lions have been linked with a common cause:  helping those less fortunate.  We are tackling the problems like blindness and drug abuse as well as diabetes awareness and finding help and training for the deaf, disabled, underprivileged, and the elderly.  In fact, whatever the community[Read More…]

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