Day: September 27, 2016

Students To Rally in Downtown Chicago for National Voter Registration Day #WhyWeVote

Launch 30 registrations drives throughout the city Chicago, IL-(ENEWSPF)- Hundreds of Chicago students and residents are expected to come together at Daley Plaza to share #WhyWeVote, a campaign for mass voter participation connecting youth issues to the Nov. 8 election. The rally will be held in Daley Plaza, 50 W Washington, Chicago, IL, on Tuesday,[Read More…]

The Reviews Are In: Clinton Won The Debate (Video)

NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–September 27, 2016.  The reviews are in. Last night, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump met on the presidential debate stage for the first time and Hillary Clinton was the clear winner.  Once again, Donald Trump showed why he lacks the knowledge, values and temperament to be president. Only one[Read More…]

Hillary Clinton Statement on the Emerge USA PAC Endorsement

NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–September 27, 2016.  Today, Hillary Clinton released the following statement on the endorsement of Emerge USA PAC, the largest bipartisan Muslim American PAC: “This month, thousands of Muslims registered to vote across the country during Eid celebrations and are continuing to do so today to mark National Voter Registration[Read More…]

New Video Features Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado’s Story on Trump Demeaning Women

NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–September 27, 2016.  Hillary for America released a new video featuring former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Machado shared her story of how Donald Trump bullied her because of her weight and heritage. Hillary Clinton closed her debate tonight with slamming Donald Trump for continually demeaning women like Alicia Machado.[Read More…]