Day: August 16, 2016

New FDA Rule on Food Additives Fails to Protect Consumers

WASHINGTON—(ENEWSPF)–August 16, 2016.   On August 17, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will issue a final rule defining when chemicals added to or used to make food can be considered “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS). The final rule comes in response to a 2014 lawsuit brought by Center for[Read More…]

Researchers Examine How Parkinson’s Disease Alters Brain Activity Over Time

Tracking neural changes could help researchers test therapies that slow disease progression. Tracking brain changes in people with Parkinson’s: A new study has found that neural activity in certain brain areas declines over time in individuals with Parkinson’s disease and two related syndromes. David Vaillancourt, Ph.D., University of Florida Bethesda,[Read More…]

Trump Says Election Will Be “Rigged” — Facts Say Otherwise

Washington, DC–(ENEWSPF)–August 16, 2016.  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has recently said the election would be “rigged,” citing a string of court decisions blocking or loosening restrictive voting laws. His campaign also said there will be “massive fraud” this November. But Brennan Center studies show otherwise. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than[Read More…]

Detainee Transfers Announced by Department of Defense

Washington, DC–(ENEWSPF)–August 15, 2016.  The Department of Defense announced today the transfer of 15 detainees: Abd al-Muhsin Abd al-Rab Salih al-Busi, Abd al-Rahman Sulayman, Mohammed Nasir Yahi Khussrof Kazaz, Abdul Muhammad Ahmad Nassar al-Muhajari, Muhammad Ahmad Said al-Adahi, Abdel Qadir al-Mudafari, Mahmud Abd Al Aziz al-Mujahid, Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah[Read More…]

Yemen: Airstrike on Doctors Without Borders/MSF-Supported Hospital Kills at Least 11, Wounds At Least 19

Aftermath of Abs hospital which was hit by an airstrike on August 15, 2016 BARCELONA/NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–August 15, 2016 — A hospital supported by the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in northwestern Yemen was hit by an airstrike today, killing at least 11 people and injuring[Read More…]

Clinton-Kaine Transition Project Announces Senior Leadership Team

Former Interior Secretary Salazar To Serve as Chair; Donilon, Granholm, Tanden and Williams To Serve as Co-Chairs NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–August 16, 2016. Two weeks after paperwork was filed to formally establish the Clinton-Kaine Transition Project, John Podesta — the Chair of Hillary for America and the President of the Transition project[Read More…]