NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–March 22, 2010. Since the creation of the Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund in January, the Fund has raised over $14 million from more than 100,000 individuals for relief, recovery, and reconstruction assistance, and in the month after the disaster has allocated $3 million to a dozen 501(c)3’s on the ground, while also supporting the shipment and delivery of life-saving supplies donated from businesses and other organizations.
Organizations Supported by the Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund
The Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund has allocated a total of $3 million to the following organizations on the ground in Haiti:
- ACTED, to support emergency assistance as well as provide and deploy over 1,000 shelter and first aid kits.
- CARE, for the distribution of much needed food and water to survivors.
- Concern Worldwide USA, to provide food, water, shelter, and medicine, to survivors.
- International Organization for Migration, to support the coordination and delivery of emergency shelter.
- International Rescue Committee, for medical care, clean water, and emergency sanitation for survivors.
- Médecins du Monde, for the distribution of medicine.
- Médecins sans Frontières, to provide surgery and basic medical care to as many patients as possible.
- Oxfam, to provide in excess of 10 tons of water, sanitation, health and shelter equipment.
- Partners in Health, to provide medical care and supplies, as well as bring in urgently needed medical expertise to Haiti.
- Save the Children USA, for immediate needs such as shelter, health, water, sanitation, and child protection and, as conditions allow, and the restoration of education for children.
- UNICEF, to provide adequate sanitation, safe water, and basic health care for survivors.
- World Food Programme, to distribute high-energy biscuits as well as airlift food from WFP emergency hubs.
Current Supply Deliveries
The Clinton Foundation is currently supporting the shipment and delivery of:
- Trucks: Currently, there are 90 trucks, 40 donated by Penske/Mack, 30 donated by General Motors, and 20 trucks dontated by members of the National Automobile Dealers Association on the ground in Haiti to facilitate aid distribution. To date, a total of over 120 trucks have been pledged to Haiti relief efforts through the Clinton Foundation, including 30 trucks pledged by Nissan and 20 trucks pledged by Daimler.
- Flashlights and Lanterns: 9,980 solar flashlights/lanterns, along with 800 adaptors that plug into the lights and allow for mobile phone charging, are in Haiti. In addition, Earthspark International is donating 3,000 solar flashlights through the Office of Special Envoy (OSE) and Clinton Foundation to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.
- Street Lights: Solar Outdoor Lighting (SOL) donated 58 solar-powered streetlights to Haiti, which the Clinton Foundation shipped from Miami to Haiti. The OSE and Clinton Foundation worked with SOL and the Haitian Government to ensure that the lights were placed in strategic locations selected by the Haitian government in Port-au-Prince to help improve security.
- Generators: 16 generators were donated by North Shore Generator Systems, Inc. to Partners in Health, which the Clinton Foundation and OSE helped to facilitate.
- Tents: 34,480 tents to Haiti, including 27,000 tents donated by Wal-Mart Corporation, 4,000 tents donated by an individual donor, 280 tents donated by Kelty, and four pallets of plastic sheeting donated for temporary shelters. The Clinton Foundation purchased 3,200 tents of these tents, each capable of fitting 5 people plus gear, offered by Coleman at a discount.
- Large Tents: An individual donated a 21,000 square foot tent, which will serve as the temporary office and logistical center for the Mayor of Port-au-Prince and his staff. The tent came with tables, chairs, and other important equipment, which will allow the office to be operational on an expedited basis. Transportation to Miami for this tent was provided by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, after which the Clinton Foundation shipped the tent to Haiti.
- Community Water Purification Systems: Five GE SunSpring solar-powered water purification systems, each capable of serving up to 10,000 persons per day with microbiologically safe drinking water, were donated to UNICEF and are being deployed in hospitals, clinics, and small communities. Four additional units are in transit to Haiti.
- Bottled Water: 45,000 pounds of water donated by Coca Cola and 39,000 bottles of water from Eventide Natural Spring Water.
- Medical Supplies and Medicines: More than 20 tons of medicine and medical supplies, including a donated shipment of medical supplies coordinated by the governor of Iowa’s office and 2,000 sheets from Hilton Hotels donated to hospitals in Haiti.
- Latrines: 1,000 Polyjohn latrines, which were purchased and donated by the Clinton Foundation to UNICEF, and 20 cordless drills, which were donated by Home Depot to help set up the latrines. The Clinton Foundation is donating an additional 2,000 latrines to organizations on the ground in Haiti.
- Clothing: 52 pallets of women/girls clothing donated by Forever 21 are in transit to Haiti and will be distributed by the Haitian Ministry of Women’s Affairs. AIT Worldwide Logistics and Sterling Transportation provided pro bono trucking of the goods to Miami. About 18,000 pieces of worker clothing, including gloves, shirts, shorts, and pants, were donated by Carhartt. American Apparel donated 10,000 shirts to the people of Haiti. Wrangler donated about 200 pieces of male clothing. Timberland donated 700 pair of men’s and women’s flip flops.
- Educational Supplies: Two truckloads of educational supplies, donated by Newman Office Supplies, were delivered to the Ministry of Education.
- Stoves: Working with several non-profit organizations such as AIDG and Earth Trees and People, the Clinton Foundation has helped to deliver over 1,000 cook stoves to Haiti, for Haitian families.
- Whistles: 1,000 whistles were purchased by the Clinton Foundation and distributed to women as a safety measure.
- Mobile Command Center: A mobile command center was purchased by James Lee Witt Associates and transported to Haiti by the Clinton Foundation. It will be used to facilitate communications and reporting by the Government of Haiti and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the upcoming months.
- Educational Needs: To meet educational needs for students displaced from school, the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) is working with the Haitian Education and Leadership Program (HELP) to place Haitian students into U.S. universities, facilitate faculty exchanges, provide material assistance toward reconstruction in the education sector, and establish connections between Haitian and international secondary education institutions.
February Supply Deliveries
On February 5, on his second trip to Haiti after the earthquake, President Clinton delivered supplies, coordinated through the Clinton Foundation and OSE, that included the following:
- 50 laptops from the IBM Foundation for the government of Haiti
- 5,000 protein bars donated by Health Management Resources
- 400 protein bars from Element bars
- 280 tents donated by Kelty
- 20 generators donated by The Home Depot
- 20 extension cords for Generators
- 4 pallets of 10 x 25 Poly sheeting donated by The Home Depot
- 2 pallets of 5-gallon buckets donated by The Home Depot
- Medical supplies, including approximately 1,900 pounds of medical supplies as well as 100 pairs of walkers and crutches, for GHESKIO, a Haitian health clinic in Port-au-Prince
January Supply Deliveries
On January 18, during his first trip to Haiti after the earthquake, President Clinton delivered supplies including:
- 5,000 bottles of water
- One pallet of food
- Medical supplies (including syringes, medicines, anesthetics, pain-killers, first aid, and surgical supplies),
- 32 generators, 72 work lights, extension cords, gas cans, and 150 solar flashlights donated by Home Depot, Walmart in Linden, New Jersey, Costco, BJ’s in the Bronx, and Rite Aid