
Grieving the Loss of Bernard J. Jablonski

Bernie Jablonski
Photo supplied by Bernie Jablonski during the creation of his website.

By Gary Kopycinski

Proud member of LION Publishers

Friends, please consider this a retraction of the piece I published earlier this afternoon regarding the death of the friend of so many, Bernard J. Jablonski.

As far as I’m concerned, the number one rule of journalism is, "Do no harm."

I wrote through my grief and personal pain at Bernie’s loss, missing some of the bigger picture.

Bernie said the things I reported, not just to me, but many others as well.

However, what I wrote was too raw, too close. And did not accurately reflect Bernie’s long-standing dedication to Marian Catholic.

Bernie Jablonski loved Marian Catholic High School, and was grateful for the many, many friends he came to know through the years as an educator. That he told me many, many times.

Marian has been and continues to be a wonderful place, "teaching scholars with a soul."

For any pain I may have elicited, I apologize. Bernie would not have wanted that. That was not, in any way, my intention.

May we all continue to heal as we cherish our moments with one great "Scholar with a Soul," Bernard J. Jablonski.

Gary Kopycinski is editor and publisher of eNews Park Forest and a village trustee in Park Forest. His reporting is his own. eNews Park Forest, Inc. is an independent media company and is not affiliated with the Village of Park Forest in any way.

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