His Newest Version is Still Unfair to Seniors
Washington, DC–(ENEWSPF)–April 1, 2014. The following statement was issued today by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans:
“House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan unveiled a Republican budget on April Fools’ Day that once again proposes privatizing Medicare and turning it into a voucher system, while lowering tax rates on the wealthy and corporations.
“The newest incarnation of the Ryan budget asks seniors to pay more for preventive health services and prescription drugs while again ending the Medicare guarantee. The Ryan budget clearly chooses tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations over health care for millions of working families.
“Moving to a voucher system for Medicare, as the Ryan plan outlines, is just a way of cutting Medicare. It shifts health care costs onto retirees, most of whom cannot afford the changes and wouldn’t get the health care they need.”
“This year, Chairman Ryan did add something new, but it is erroneous. He is saying that the Social Security Trust Fund is not a real savings account – questioning the value of U.S. bonds. In 1936, Alf Landon made the same charge when he was the presidential nominee, and the sentiment is as wrong now as it was then.
“Paul Ryan can’t fool the American people with his latest budget. His newest version is still just as unfair to seniors, and is still based on flawed logic.”
Source: http://retiredamericans.org