MASSACHUSETTS–(ENEWSPF)–December 31, 2013. What an amazing year for the movement of movements that continues to develop here in the United States and around the world, and what an amazing first season of The Resistance Report.
In this week’s special expanded episode, we take a look back at some of the most amazing stories of the year. In addition to coverage of Edward Snowden, the Acronym TV 2013 Person of the Year, we also remember 2013 as a time when people took power and reversed what seemed like the inevitable march to war with Syria.
In 2013, The Resistance Report served as an antidote to the hear-no-evil see no evil attitude of mainstream media outlets here in the United States about the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan. In the attempt mitigate future catastrophic damage; the global community is faced with challenges unique in the history of humankind.
While The Resistance Report launched this year on July 29, 2013, and so our review of Resistance Reports is but a half year old, but there is still enough Manning, Snowden, Greenwald, Keystone X-L protests, Stop the TPP Protests, Dream Defenders, Fast Food Strikers, Hunger Strikers, and neo-liberal shenanigans to jam pack this 60 minute year in review.
About Acronym TV
With over 29 thousand subscribers and 33 million video views on youtube alone, Acronym TV is a trusted and growing outlet for movement building news, analysis, interviews and editorial commentary. Creator and host Dennis Trainor, Jr is a writer and activist and directed the critically acclaimed documentary the Occupy Wall Street movement, American Autumn: an Occudoc a new documentary on the Move To Amend Coalition, Legalize Democracy, is set for a Jan. 2014 release (watch a clip here).
Acronym TV is part of The Young Turks Network, the largest online news show in the world.
Source: Acronym TV