Photo Gallery: Orchard Fresh Market Grand Opening
Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)— If your club, church, organization or local business will be holding activities or events in our community during the upcoming week or if you would like to announce personal events such as engagements, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, etc., please send an e-mail to Rosemary Piser, Associate Editor, with the details. Submission deadline is noon on Friday of each week.
Tornado Season Safety Tips

Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)— Tornado season is upon us. Although tornados can occur at any time of the year, they are most predominant in the Midwest from March through June. One of the most important things to know about tornados is the difference between a watch and a warning.
DogPatch Special Olympics at Rich East

Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Rich East Key Club members and some Special Olympians help cheer on their teammates at the recent Rocket DogPatch Olympics. Pictured are: (back row) Special Olympians Lyle Goodman and Tommy Lorenzetti; (center row) Key Club and Best Buddies volunteers Jazmine Cruz, Tracy Thomas and Ellen Mays; and Special Olympian Leondro Garcia; (front row), Rocket Special Olympians Ashley Peoples and LaKisha Arnold.
Marian’s Math Team Excels at U. of Illinois Meet

Chicago Heights, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The Marian Catholic Math Team earned three Top 20 finishes in Division 3AA at the recent University of Illinois competition.
Marian’s Calculator team captured 13th place with a squad of Sean Barry, Patrick Barry, Erin O’Shea, Anne O’Shea and Patrick O’Shea. The Frosh-Soph team of Matt Anderson, Patrick O’Shea, Melissa Perkins, Stephanie Werner, Mitchell Zavesky, Patrick McDonough, Megan Murday, Mike Spear and Madeline Tolish earned a 16th-place finish.
PSC Students Win Writers Competition
Chicago Heights, IL–(ENEWSPF)– A loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter are what inspired a Prairie State College (PSC) student to write his non-fiction essay, “Peanut Butter Sandwich.”
John Hamlin, of Glenwood, recently won a first place for the essay at the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference Writers Competition.
Hamlin, a veteran of the Iraq war, said he is often asked about his tour of duty. Hamlin said “Peanut Butter Sandwich” tells the story about a moment that sums up his entire experience.
Alex Kotlowicz to Speak at Creating Safe Schools Symposium
University Park, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Noted author, journalist, and educator, Alex Kotlowicz will be the keynote speaker at the Creating Safe Schools Symposium. The symposium is free and open to the public. People who work with youth in the home, in school, or in the community are invited to join this important discussion. Educators, public safety officers, local government officials, and community members are welcome.
This event is designed to focus public attention on the interaction between safety issues in the community and similar issues within the schools. Creating safe schools and communities hinges on addressing the safety issues facing students once they leave the building.
Relativity Resources: “Relativity Speaking, we can grow your business”

Local Business of the Week
Shelia Hester-Whorton is a community activist, writer, regional director for a major tax preparation company, and home-based business owner. She is the sole-proprietor of Relativity Resources, a business development company established with over 25 years of experience in organizational training and development. Relativity Resources provides professional services to entrepreneurs, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, and small businesses. Specializing in grant and proposal writing; strategic planning; business plans, 501(c) 3 exemption, business incorporation, and income tax planning & training, Relativity Resources creates individualized organizational development plans that assist business owners in achieving their goals.
Secretary of State Services at GSU May 12
University Park, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The Secretary of State’s Mobile Service Unit will be at GSU on Tuesday, May 12, from 2 to 7 p.m., in the Hall of Governors.
Services available at the mobile service unit include driver’s license renewal, replacment, and corrections; State I.D. card renewal, replacement, and corrections; vehicle sticker sales; passenger and b-truck license plates, vehicle title and registration, parking placards for persons with disabilities, and organ/tissue donor information. In addition, vision tests and the written driver’s license exam can be taken. No driving tests will be given.
South Suburban Earth Science Club April Meeting Features Jewelry, Minerals, Fossils

Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The South Suburban Earth Science Club met Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at Freedom Hall, Park Forest , IL .Mr. Jan Podbeilski, Peotone, presented the evening’s program on jewelry making. Podbielski, and his wife Elizabeth, craft hand made, one of a kind jewelry plus offer minerals and fossils for sale their Janski Designs web site.
Park Forest Police Report for May 4, 2009

Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)—Editor’s Note: We continue our reporting on news from police reports. Besides covering the many stories from around Park Forest that otherwise might go unnoticed, we want to bring more complete coverage of police reports than is reported by other local media.
Five Men Arrested After Allegedly Shooting Cars with Paintballs and BBs
Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Police quickly apprehended five men in the early morning of Sunday, April 26, following reports of subjects shooting paitballs and BBs at automobiles parked on Elm Street.
Combat Operations in Fallujah
By Dahr Jamail
t r u t h o u t | Report
Indicative of the rapidly deteriorating situation in Iraq, on May 1 the US military reported the death of a Naval petty officer who was killed “on April 30 while conducting combat operations in Fallujah, Iraq.” The Department of Defense report went on to explain that the sailor “was deployed with an East Coast based Navy SEAL team.” That same day, the military announced the deaths of two marines “killed while conducting combat operations against enemy forces here April 30.” The dateline for the latter press release is “AL ANBAR PROVINCE, Iraq.” Apparently, all is not well in Fallujah and al-Anbar province. The US military, having met the fiercest resistance throughout their occupation of Iraq in these areas, is once again conducting combat operations there.