From Illinois State Rep. Al Riley:
Dear Friends:
I am proud to support Linda Uzureau and Peg Donahue for the Prairie State Board of Trustees. Both Peg and Linda have worked with me over many years to help strengthen our region. Whether it was community development, promotion of the arts, human relations or educational equity and quality, they have been leaders who have met the test of time.
How about a skilled college administrator serving on your community college board? Dr. Linda Uzureau is just that. Linda is an experienced faculty member and college administrator whose person centered approach to educational administration is backed with a solid research perspective. How do I know? As Director of Institutional Research and Planning for a local community college in the early 1980’s, I worked with Dr. Uzureau on securing research grants, evaluating testing instruments and other projects. All of these efforts were beneficial to her department, the college, but more importantly – the student.
How about a former PSC trustee that was a college administrator, skilled communicator and long time community leader serving on your community college board? Peg Donahue has been involved in just about every community building effort in our region over the years. Peg and I have worked together on many initiatives over my 25 years of service as a public official. Whether it was bringing the arts to a wider audience, concern for the homeless, expanding library services or challenging the status quo, Peg would be "shaking the tree"; not satisfied with business as usual.
All of you know my mantra about inclusion, equity of services and taking the work of our region seriously. My endorsement of these excellent, dedicated community leaders isn’t against anyone – it’s in support of someone. Someone you know, someone who exudes a clear history of selflessness, someone who isn’t afraid to stand for a principle – someone who will work for you and deliver the goods. That someone is the team of Linda Uzureau and Peg Donahue. I ask you for your support of both of them for Trustee, Prairie State Board. Please pass this email to your friendsand ask that they support the honesty, skill and ability of these two fine candidates. For the Uzureau/Donahue campaign flyer, please click HERE.
Al Riley