Community, Environmental, Park Forest

Illinois Winter Road Conditions in One Click

IDOT online map offers real-time info to help Illinois travelers

SPRINGFIELD –(ENEWSPF)–January 5, 2016.  The Illinois Department of Transportation reminds motorists to bookmark on their computers and smartphones for quick access to the latest winter road conditions. The Getting Around Illinois map is updated 24/7 during winter weather, providing motorists with the latest information on what to expect before heading out on the roads.

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“Illinois winters are legendary for their rapidly changing conditions,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn. “The winter road conditions map gives you a quick, simple-to-understand view of road conditions throughout Illinois. It’s a great tool for knowing what to expect if you are traveling during snow-and-ice season.”

Click here or visit IDOT’s YouTube channel to watch our new video that shows how the data for the map is collected and passed along in simple red, yellow and green colors to give Illinois drivers the information they need this winter.

The Getting Around Illinois website averages one to two million visits during winter. Widely shared on social media, the page’s interactive map is a go-to resource for travelers, forecasters and anyone interested in seeing how the roads are looking during inclement weather. Users of also can find other useful information for their travels, including points of interest, gas stations, restaurants, and hotels.


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