Day: March 5, 2010

Illinois Weekly H1N1 Activity Information Estimates, Marh 5, 2010

Springfield, IL–(ENEWSPF)–March 5, 2010. Illinois H1N1 CumulativeVaccine Allocation*(As of March 5, 2010) Allocated 4,465,700 Ordered 3,586,300 Shipped 3,582,120 * The above table represents H1N1 vaccine allocation for the 10 million people in Illinois who live outside the city of Chicago. Chicago receives an H1N1 vaccine allotment for its3 million residents[Read More…]

H1N1 Flu: Situation Update, March 5, 2010

Atlanta, GA–(ENEWSPF)–March 5, 2010. Each week CDC analyzes information about influenza disease activity in the United States and publishes findings of key flu indicators in a report called FluView. During the week of February 21 -27, 2010, most key flu indicators remained about the same as during the previous week.[Read More…]