Month: September 2009

Center On Halsted Forming Women’s Advisory Council on Community and Cultural Programs, Starting September 13, 2009

Chicago, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Center on Halsted is now forming a “Women’s Advisory Council on Community and Cultural Programs.” The Advisory Council will meet on the second Sunday of each month, beginning September 13, from 1PM-3PM at Center on Halsted, located at 3656 N. Halsted in Chicago. Celebrate your diversity while embracing[Read More…]

Center On Halsted Offering ‘Outsource,’ Career Development Program for the LGBT Community

Chicago, IL–(ENEWSPF)– Center on Halsted is currently offering OUTsource, a career transition program for the LGBT community. Programs are offered on an ongoing basis, the second and third Saturdays of each month, at Center on Halsted, located at 3656 N. Halsted in Chicago. OUTsource provides an opportunity for participants to[Read More…]

Conservative Media Take Note: Reagan Preached Tax Cut Gospel to America’s Students

Analysis Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)– Putting aside possible ulterior motives, the conservative freak-out over President Obama’s planned speech to students urging them to stay in school and work hard is due to fears that Obama will use his platform as an opportunity to push his agenda on unsuspecting students. Ironically, that’s exactly[Read More…]

Conservative Media Take A Strong Stand Against … Learning?!?

Commentary By: Jamison Foser If there is anybody out there who still doesn’t believe that the conservative media will attack President Obama no matter what he does, consider this: Right-wingers are telling children to skip school as a protest against Obama’s encouragement of students to stay in school. I know,[Read More…]

HHS Releases New Report on Importance of Health Insurance Reform for Older Women and Senior Women

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–September 3, 2009.  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will travel to Maine today and formally release a new report on the importance of health insurance reform for older women (ages 55-64) and senior women (ages 65 and older). In Maine, Sebelius will participate in[Read More…]

MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan Defends Hitler. Again.

Commentary By: Jamison Foser If you get caught defending Adolph Hitler one time, you could, I suppose, claim it was an accident; a momentary lapse of reason. If you get caught defending Hitler two times … Well, I guess you could say it was just be an unfortunate coincidence. But[Read More…]

EPA Challenges American School Districts to Save Energy and Money with Energy Star

WASHINGTON–(ENEWSPF)–September 2, 2009. During the back to school season, EPA is challenging school administrators and building managers to improve energy efficiency throughout their facilities. School districts can answer EPA’s call-to-action by taking the Energy Star Challenge, a pledge to improve the energy efficiency of our nation’s buildings. Schools that accept[Read More…]

Lou Dobbs and His Hate Groupies

Commentary By Karl Frisch By now, CNN’s Lou Dobbs, with his single-minded obsession over all things anti-immigrant and his bizarre embrace of the loony birther movement, is well known for trafficking in disturbing, misleading, and often inaccurate garbage. Escaping under the radar of many, however, are his close associations with[Read More…]