Month: September 2010

What If Government Really Ran as a Business?

Commentary By John A. Ostenburg The Outpost Observer A few weeks ago, a resident in my community volunteered that — although local property taxes are high — she thinks residents get a good bang for their buck. It was an unsolicited remark and therefore one that carried extra meaning for[Read More…]

Press Briefing by Federal On-Scene Coodinator Rear Admiral Paul Zukunft, September 21, 2010

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–September 21, 2010. Paul Zukunft:        OK, good afternoon everybody.  This is Rear Admiral Paul Zukunft, Federal on-scene coordinator and I’ve down here for over 3-1/2 months now and I’ve been overseeing the response aspect of this operation. In my operation and in Admiral Allen’s, we’re split between surface and[Read More…]

Tons of Food Collected at PSC’s Foodapalooza

Chicago Heights, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The food pantry at Respond Now is now restocked thanks to the generosity of the community. The food was collected at Foodapalooza held at Prairie State College (PSC) on September 11. As a result of the annual event, approximately two tons of food and $500 was donated[Read More…]

Hunting and Fishing Days Festivals in Illinois are Sept. 25-26

SPRINGFIELD, ILL.–(ENEWSPF)–September 21, 2010.  National Hunting and Fishing Days will be celebrated in Illinois with popular annual festivals at John A. Logan College in Carterville and Silver Springs State Fish and Wildlife Area in Yorkville on September 25-26. “Our National Hunting and Fishing Days festivals in Illinois highlight the great[Read More…]

Illinois Department of Insurance Highlights Important Benefits of Health Reform to Take Effect September 23

CHICAGO–(ENEWSPF)–September 21, 2010.  The Illinois Department of Insurance is reminding Illinois families and employers that significant new health insurance benefits and protections become effective September 23, 2010.  The changes—a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the “Act”) signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010—will improve the[Read More…]

Children’s Mood Rings and Necklaces Recalled by D&D Distributing-Wholesale Due To Risk of Lead Exposure

WASHINGTON, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–September 21, 2010.  The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.[Read More…]

New Resource to Explain the Health Care Law

WASHINGTON–(ENEWSPF)–September 21, 2010.  Yesterday,  the American College of Physicians (ACP) and AARP launched an online guide to help inform consumers about the health care law.  The guide is written and organized in a way that clearly explains what the law has changed, why these changes were made and when the[Read More…]

Parent University at Governors State University

Washington D.C.–(ENEWSPF)– While parenting does not come with a handbook, there is help for parents facing the often-perplexing questions about what is best for their children. The Family Development Center at Governors State University is sponsoring Parent University, a series of free presentations designed to give parents the information and[Read More…]