Latest News

Tax Levy and the Golf Course, Take…, Four!

The Village Board takes up discussion of the 2006/2007 Tax Levy tonight, Monday, December 4.  The final levy will be adopted at the regular meeting on December 11.  The memorandum prepared for the board tonight gives a basic introduction to the levy and the levy process: The 2007/2008 Budget will[Read More…]


Allstate Attorneys Spark Interest in Law among Minority High School Students

100 Chicago-area High School Students Attend Street Law Conference NORTHBROOK, Ill.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Many of today’s youth learn about the legal profession by watching popular television shows centered on criminal law. Allstate is working with Street Law, Inc., a hands-on education program about law, democracy, and human rights, to broaden that perspective.[Read More…]

Park Forest Health Department News

Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The Park Forest Health Department itself is news to many people. Established in 1952, this community health nursing service provides both clinic and in home services. With one phone call and for no fee, you can receive an answer to your health related question from a professional[Read More…]

Tall Grass Arts Association

The Park Forest Art Fair is right around the corner. (GRAPHIC SUPPLIED) Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The Tall Grass Arts Association is busy preparing for the 54th Annual Park Forest Art Fair, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, September 12 and 13. between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The weekend events will[Read More…]

Gay Baby Boomers Concerned About Aging, Funding Retirement

First National Survey Reports a Higher Rate of Caregiving Fear Discrimination in the Health Care Arena WESTPORT, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Baby Boomers have more distinct concerns about aging with regard to financial stability, personal support and end-of-life legal issues and are providing care at a higher[Read More…]

Hidden Meadows golf course

Focus on Hidden Meadows

Discussion at the November 20 Village Board meeting focused on the proposed closing of Hidden Meadows Golf Course.  Speaking to a crowded board room, Village Manager Tom Mick outlined reasons for the resolution, "It's clearly based on financial reasons."  In addition, Mick said that the board met with residents from[Read More…]


NAACP Holds Annual Freedom Fund Dinner

The Far South Suburban NAACP held its 26th Annual Freedom Fund Awards & Dinner Dance Banquet on Saturday, November 11, 2006, at the Matteson Holiday Inn.  The guest speaker for this year's event was Mr. Roland S. Martin, Executive Editor of The Chicago Defender, the nation's largest black daily newspaper. [Read More…]

What is eNews Park Forest?

Welcome to eNews Park Forest, an online news magazine dedicated to telling the whole story, news and information from the Village of Park Forest, IL.  Many people have expressed displeasure with the quality of news coverage for Park Forest. Our goal is to change all of that.  With regular updates,[Read More…]

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