Chicago, IL-(ENEWSPF)- Unofficial Nov. 4, 2014 Gubernatorial Election township- and precinct-level results for suburban Cook County can now be viewed online at or via this PDF.
Select "view" from the Online Results column. Please note the download feature allows you to get an Excel document with precinct and township data by contest.
Unofficial results include all precinct totals, all early voting and about 10,000 mail ballots.
An additional 35,000 mail ballots from suburban Cook County voters have been returned and will be counted in the next few days. That number will grow as ballots arrive. Mail ballots are eligible to be counted if they are postmarked by Nov. 3 and received by Nov. 18, according to state statute. There are also up to 9,000 provisional ballots, including all election day registration voters, that if validated will be counted.
Here are a few highlights from Tuesday’s election:
- Results were reported from 96 percent of precincts by 10:05 p.m. In 2010, 96 percent of precinct results had been reported at about 11:30 p.m.
- Based on unofficial results, suburban Cook County turnout was about 46 percent.
- Election day registration was very popular – 3,604 voters took advantage of election day registration. Busiest sites were Evanston (430), Arlington Heights (352), and the Oakwood Recreation Center in Matteson (258).
- Based on unofficial results, Bruce Rauner won 16 of 30 suburban Cook County townships, Pat Quinn won 13 townships, and one township (River Forest) is too close to call.
All of the highlights are based on unofficial results. The Clerk’s office has 21 days to certify the results. Results will be updated periodically as provisional and mail ballots are processed.
Gubernatorial General Election Turnout
1998 | 1,262,137 | 680,917 | 53.9% |
2002 | 1,365,947 | 697,872 | 51.1% |
2006 | 1,349,371 | 680,696 | 49.7% |
2010 | 1,370,186 | 719,090 | 52.5% |
2014 | 1,398,724 | 647,107* | 46.26% |