WASHINGTON, D.C. – (ENEWSPF)—November 25, 2014. Yesterday a Grand Jury in St. Louis County has decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Rep. Jan Schakowsky issued the following statement on this decision:
“I am very disappointed that the Grand Jury decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for this summer’s shooting death of Michael Brown. Like many Americans, I am frustrated by a lack of accountability for this tragedy.
An indictment in this case would have prompted a trial in which all aspects of Michael Brown’s death would be carefully weighed and considered, and justice could have been served.
While Officer Wilson has not been indicted for this shooting, Michael Brown’s death has shined a light on the troubling law enforcement practices and militarization of police forces in Ferguson, and other communities around the country. I fully support the Department of Justice investigation into the Ferguson Police Department for possible discriminatory misconduct. I also hope the Justice Department examines law enforcement activities throughout the United States, wherever necessary.
Law enforcement personnel are sworn to serve and protect and while most officers across our nation do an excellent job protecting our communities, it is clear that much work remains to be done. State, local and federal officials should support increased training and make sure law enforcement respects – and reflects – the diverse communities it serves.
Through this process, the parents of Michael Brown have asked for protests remain peaceful. Everyone should adhere to that request, but the right to protest peacefully must be protected by law enforcement officials.
This decision has left many people across the country sad, frustrated and yes, angry. This energy now needs to be focused on building a movement and creating a demand for justice and a more consistently fair law enforcement culture. All parties involved should seize this opportunity and work together to make our communities better for all people.”
Source: Schakowsky.house.gov