
Police All Aglow With New LED Sign

LED sign, Park Forest police, pfpd
New LED sign outside the Park Forest Police Station. (PHOTO: PFPD)

Park Forest, IL-(ENEWSPF)- Park Forest Police have a new sign outside the station, and they’re beaming with pride over it.

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The department lit up their Facebook page with a bright message regarding the electrifying addition to their external decor.

“The Park Forest Police Department has plunged head-first into the 21st century with a digital LED sign!  (And our CSO’s are happy they won’t have to change the old sign by hand anymore in the cold or rain.)” the statement read. “We will be using the sign as another way to keep Park Foresters involved in what’s going on with your police department.”

Residents are sure to get a jolt out of the energizing messages.

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