Rally Calls on Rauner to Ensure Big Corporations and the 1% Pay Their Fair Share
CHICAGO—(ENEWSPF)–March 12, 2016. Illinoisans hurt by Governor Rauner’s budget disaster greeted his wealthy donors today outside the Palmer House Hilton where the Governor and Presidential-hopeful Senator Ted Cruz wined and dined supporters at a big money fundraiser. The group chanted and carried signs telling Rauner and his supporters how his wrong priorities are devastating Illinois families.
“Governor Rauner has the wrong priorities,” said Eugene Lim, a ONE Northside community leader who works in an area homeless shelter hurt by Rauner’s unwillingness to negotiate a budget with adequate revenue. “His goal is to help the wealthy and big corporations get wealthier, while wreaking havoc on the lives of the most vulnerable. We know the only solution is a budget that fully funds schools and human services by making big corporations pay their fair share in taxes
After 8 months of Governor Rauner’s inability to deliver a budget, we’ve seen the damage caused by Rauner’s refusal to compromise escalating—with state universities instituting furlough days and planning for worse, while Chicago Schools are telling principals to stop spending in their schools. Health care, child care and other services are being denied to more and more Illinoisans.
The group—which included leaders of ONE Northside, Citizen Action/Illinois, and Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans—called on Rauner to make big corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share and stop cuts to the services our families, communities, and economy need to thrive.
“Groups who advocate for and care deeply about the well-being of our families and communities are joining together today to send a message to Gov. Rauner that he has the wrong priorities for Illinois,” said William McNary, co-director of Citizen Action/Illinois. “While Rauner wines and dines on the inside with elite donors, the people of Illinois are suffering from his lack of leadership and inability to compromise his right wing anti-worker agenda. We are calling on the Governor to lead Illinois toward a responsible budget that includes the revenue needed to protect the most vulnerable people in our state.”
Source: ONE Northside