
Use Resume Builder and Hear the Words ‘You’re Hired’

Helps Workers Uncomfortable with Computers, Internet

CHICAGO—(ENEWSPF)—June 24, 2014. A new tool on Illinois’ help wanted job board targets workers who previously did not need a resume to get hired and those who lack confidence with their computer and internet skills, the Illinois Department of Employment Security said today.

The Resume Builder on features an intuitive self-service approach. Step-by-step, Resume Builder creates a resume designed to pass through computer filters employers use to sort job applicants. Resume Builder also takes the user’s information and, using that same word-search technology employers use, identifies job openings that match the worker’s skills.

“Resume Builder is a field guide for workers who did not rely upon a resume to get hired,” IDES Director Jay Rowell said. “This tool walks workers through the resume building process. It does so in a way that respects their decades of work success and finishes with a product that will be noticed by hiring managers who grew up with internet technology.”

“Building a resume can present a communication issue, not a skills issue,” Rowell said.

The new tool also is suitable for high school and college graduates.

Resume Builder is available at, the state’s hiring board managed by IDES. The website features more than 150,000 help-wanted ads and 60,000 resumes. is free for workers and employers. It compares favorably to private efforts that cost hundreds of dollars. No-cost HR recruitment services for employers and workers are available at the website and at (877) 342-7533.

Individuals who apply for unemployment insurance automatically are registered in Once registered, workers can then select My Homepage to access My Resume. Individuals who have not applied for benefits can create an account and follow the same steps through My Homepage and My Resume.

State agencies are working together to deliver services to unemployed Illinois workers. Access to services for basic needs and job training are located at



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