A pair of Iraq war veterans who were dismissed, or soon will be, from the military under the Pentagon’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy, were arrested by police officers today after chaining themselves to the front gate of the White House, as part of a protest of that policy.
The pair were identified as Lt. Dan Choi, and former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo, whose appeal of his dismissal was turned down by the Supreme Court last year.
The U.S. Park Police said that the two individuals will be charged with failure to obey a lawful order.
Some 150 protesters were also in front of the White House, chanting "Hey hey ho ho ‘don’t ask, don’t tell‘ has got to go," which attracted about 30 Washington police officers who lined up in a show of force.
Alexander Nicholson, executive director of advocacy group Servicemembers United, said the White House can and should do more to push for repeal of "don’t ask, don’t tell."
"It is significant to know that there are a few more things they can do to make sure that we see full legislative repeal in 2010 instead of risking, waiting until after the midterms," Nicholson told ABC News at the White House protest.