Health Care Reform

USW: Make a Call For Health Reform Now

Pitssburgh, PA–(ENEWSPF)–March 18, 2010.  Statement from the United Steelworkers (USW) regarding health reform.

Proud member of LION Publishers

Within days, our nation could make history by making health care more affordable for tens of millions of American children, retirees and working families.

This reform, while not perfect, will help our members who are feeling pressure at the bargaining table and at the kitchen table because of skyrocketing health insurance costs. Please call your representatives today and urge them to support reform.

The bill has its shortcomings. But it makes progress. It means lower costs for our families and businesses and health care for those who need it most. It will ensure coverage for 95 percent of Americans, and allow coverage even to those with pre-existing conditions. It will provide assistance to employers and VEBAs to encourage them to continue coverage for pre-Medicare retirees.

These reforms are paid for in part by requiring more employers to contribute to the cost of coverage for their workers, and by requiring wealthy individuals to pay higher taxes. We have reservations about the proposed excise tax on high-cost health care plans, but changes that should be made in the corrections bill would significantly raise the level at which the tax would kick in, helping many working families. And these proposed changes would delay this tax until 2018.

Supporting this bill is the right thing to do. It’s a good first step in our historic fight for health care for all.

Please urge your Representatives to vote yes on health reform by calling 1-877-264-4226 or clicking here. Hook up with Rapid Response activists at your work site to make calls, sign petitions and write letters and e-mails. Pass information on to your friends and neighbors and urge them to call for reform.

Our enemies hope stopping reform will stop the rest of working people’s agenda: job creation, unemployment benefits, manufacturing and trade policy and more.

Our lawmakers need to hear from you now. Our future is at stake. Please call or write today.

Click here to visit the USW health insurance reform tool kit for talking points, fact sheets, the latest news and more.



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