Environmental, Household, Life and Living, Local, Park Forest, Science

Have a Merry and Eco-Friendly Holiday Season

Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)—The holidays are full of wonderful things: lights, Christmas trees, festive packages, and many gifts! But along with these comes the environmental concern regarding how best to handle the associated waste. Fortunately, as in past years, the Village of Park Forest is making it easier to have an eco-friendly holiday season.

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sign with holiday lights at top and Christmas trees at bottom, eco-friendly holiday
The Village of Park Forest offers recycling of holiday lights and trees. (Image VOPF)

Recycle those old lights.

Are you frustrated by finding strings of Christmas lights that no longer, or only partially, work? Rather than tossing them in the trash, take them to the lobby of the Park Forest Village Hall, 350 Victory Drive, and deposit them in bins from Gaby Iron & Metal. Those unwanted Christmas lights will be recycled. Strings of lights should never be placed in the regular home recycling bins as they can tangle the recycling equipment and cause otherwise recyclable materials to end up in landfills.

Lights can be dropped off through January 18.

eco-friendly holiday, sign on easel next to recycling bins
Bins for recycling holiday lights are in the Park Forest Village Hall lobby until January 18. (Photo John Hudzik)

Disposing of live Christmas trees

Live Christmas trees look and smell great, but what should we do with them after Christmas when the needles drop and the tree is taken down? From December 26 through January 18, take the old tree to the Aqua Center parking lot, 30 N. Orchard Drive, and toss it in the designated drop-off area. The village turns the trees into mulch used in the parks throughout the year.

Eco-Friendly Disposal of Boxes, Boxes, and More Boxes

All those cardboard boxes hiding gifts can be recycled in the regular bi-weekly green-bin recycling pick-up. Boxes should be broken down before being placed in the bins to maximize bin capacity and make it easier for the Homewood Disposal employees.

All wrapping paper is not created equal.

Tossing all that wrapping paper into the recycling bin sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately, it is not that easy. Some wrapping paper is made from materials that cannot be recycled.

The best option for that paper is to save it and reuse it, but if you want to dispose of it, check the surface of the paper. If the paper has a metallic or wax-coated surface, it is not recyclable and should be placed in the garbage. Tissue paper is also not recyclable.  

Gift bags, bows, and ribbons should be placed in the trash for disposal, not recycled. All other wrapping paper, either plain or glossy, can be recycled.

Homewood Disposal recently released a short video on YouTube that guides holiday recycling:

What to do with that old TV

Congratulations on that new big-screen television! How do you dispose of the old one in an eco-friendly manner?

Fortunately, unlike other nearby communities, Park Forest’s contract with Homewood Disposal includes free television and e-waste recycling. Residents must first contact Homewood Disposal and arrange for the pick-up. Televisions and other e-waste should not be placed on the curb before calling Homewood Disposal at 708-798-1004 to arrange pick-up. Alternatively, residents can submit an online form to make arrangements.

There is a limit of two TVs per calendar year per single-family residence for free pick-up.

More tips on ways to be environmentally friendly throughout the year can be found on the Park Forest Sustainability website.

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