
eNews Accepting Letters to Editor

Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– eNews Park Forest is now accepting Letters to the Editor for consideration for publication.  eNews Park Forest welcomes your letters. Please include your address and phone number for verification. Pseudonyms, anonymous letters and form letters are not published. All letters are subject to editing. Priority is given to letters that are exclusive to eNews Park Forest. We regret that we can neither print nor acknowledge all the correspondence we receive. Letters accepted for publication also appear on our Web site.

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eNews Park Forest edits letters for length, clarity and accuracy. Letters should be no more than 250 words. Letters that are concise and stick to one topic have a better chance of being used.

Also, eNews Park Forest limits writers to no more than one published letter every one month. This is not a promise, however, that every letter submitted within those guidelines can be used. These policies allow us to have more readers' viewpoints printed in a limited amount of space. Occasionally, we do make exceptions and allow longer letters to be printed, particularly if an organization or person who has been the subject of a news story wants to respond.  Those who have written letters being considered for publication will be contacted by eNews Park Forest. This is not a promise that the letter will be used, but we try to use most letters for which the writer has been contacted.

You may submit your letters on the Contact Us page of eNews Park Forest.

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