
Congressman Jackson Nets Over Half-A-Billion Dollars for District


Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. has brought half-a-billion in grants to the 2 Congressional District of Illinois since first elected in 1995. (Photo Courtesy: Bachrach)

Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)— Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. has brought over half-a-billion dollars to the Second Congressional District of Illinois, according to a report issued from his office in mid-April. eNews Park Forest recently came into possession of the report, which details more than $500 million in federal grants awarded to schools, municipalities, hospitals, community-based organizations, and other not-for-profit agencies in Jackson's district since he was first elected to Congress in December, 1995.

Specific grants to Park Forest include $98,000 toward an upgrade of Western Ave. in October 1998, a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant of $15,500 in September 2000, and a grant to the Park Forest Health Department in December 2001, in the amount of $125,000 for Public Health Education and Screening. Jackson brought additional grants for the police Bulletproof Vest Partnershipof $7,100 in May 2002, $2,600 in June 2003, and $2,800 in May 2004.

Jackson also brought grants for the Park Forest Fire Department, including an $83,000 Firefighter Grant in October 2003, and a $64,000 grant for Operations and Safety in August 2005. Additionally, the report from Jackson's office shows two grants to SouthCom Regional Despatch, including $337,000 in November 2001, and $300,000 in November 2004 to expand services to neighboring communities.

The congressman also secured $125,000 in December 2001 for the Park Forest Health Department for public health education and screening, $330,000 from the Department of Transportation in January 2004 toward the reconstruction of Sauk Trail, and $250,000 in November 2005 for new streetlight fixtures in Park Forest.

The report also details grants to organizations and programs that serve Park Forest residents, including CEDA, Aunt Martha's Youth Services, PACE, South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, South Suburban College, Governors State University, Prairie State College, and La Rabida Children's Hospital.

"Five-hundred-million dollars and counting," Congressman Jackson said in an email to eNews Park Forest Friday, "As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have worked hard to bring federal resources back to Illinois. Since being elected to Congress in 1995, I have secured more than $500 million in federal earmarks and grants for schools, municipalities, health-care providers, community-based organizations, non-profits, and housing and infrastructure projects in the 2nd Congressional District."

"But challenges remain and our needs are many.  So I will continue to fight vigorously for our fair share of federal assistance to enhance the quality of life for everyone in Park Forest and throughout the metropolitan area."

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