The Village Board will take up the discussion Monday, November 20, on the potential closing of Hidden Meadows Golf Course, as reported last week in eNews Park Forest. The item is sixth on the agenda, and the resolution presented to the board reads as follows:
GOLF COURSE WITH THE CLOSE OF THE 2006 GOLF SEASONWHEREAS as part of an open space preservation program in the south end of the Village, the Village of Park Forest acquired property in 1969 then known as the Park Forest Municipal Golf Center, and
WHEREAS since that time the Village has operated the facility as a public fee golf course complete with practice range, lessons and other programs, and
WHEREAS as part of the development of The Meadows Subdivision in 1994, the Village agreed to purchase from a private developer an additional nine hole course referred to as the “North Course”, and
WHEREAS as part of this expansion the name of the facility was changed to “Hidden Meadows Golf Club”, and
WHEREAS after a two year spike in rounds sold after that expansion, the number of rounds sold at Hidden Meadows has steadily declined, and
WHEREAS this decline in rounds played at Hidden Meadows is evidenced by the approximate 32,000 rounds of golf played in 1999 compared with approximately 17,100 rounds played in 2005
WHEREAS this trend in declining sales has also been mirrored by statistics for the Upper Midwest made available from the National Golf Foundation; and
WHEREAS during this same period a number of new golf venues have opened in the Chicago land area while a number of other courses in the south suburban region have closed, and
WHEREAS these trends of recent years has resulted in the Village putting more and more tax money into the golf operation in order to make it break even.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Park Forest, Cook and Will Counties, IL that the facility known as Hidden Meadows Golf Club will discontinue operations with the close of the 2006 golfing season.
This item and the entire agenda for Monday's board meeting can be found here.