
Patrick Fitzgerald – It’s Time to Know When to Fold ‘Em

Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)—August 17, 2010.  Today, a jury of his peers found Rod Blogojevich guilty on one of the twenty-four counts he was charged with.  As one could expect, Blogojevich’s attorneys vowed to appeal the charge while U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said a retrial would be held as soon as[Read More…]

Sierra Club: Polluters Using GOP to Push for License to Kill

Washington, DC–(ENEWSPF)–August 13, 2010.  The House GOP Conference yesterday issued a statement that shamelessly echoes the oil and coal lobbies’ endless efforts to avoid cleaning up their acts despite the known health problems their dirty industries cause and the new job opportunities offered by investment in clean energy. Hiding behind[Read More…]

Mexican President Calls for Debate on Prohibition While U.S. Officials Continue to Deny Reality

Washington, D.C.–(ENEWSPF)–August 12, 2010.   In late 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon announced a new government-backed military offensive against his country’s drug cartels, believing they could be defeated through sheer brute force. Four years later, more than 28,000 people have been killed, and the drug cartels are more powerful than[Read More…]

Of Mosques (At Ground Zero) And Mendacity

Analysis By Simon Maloy If you’ve followed the conservative media over the past few weeks, you can be forgiven for thinking that it’s a tough time for white Christians in America right now, what with the New Black Panthers denying white people their voting rights and undocumented workers clogging up[Read More…]

Media Conservatives Qualify Support For ‘Religious Freedom’ To Attack Mosque Near Ground Zero

Washington D.C.–(ENEWSPF)– Several prominent media conservatives have claimed to "favor religious freedom" while qualifying that claim in order to attack the Islamic community center and mosque set to be built two blocks away from Ground Zero, demanding that it be moved elsewhere in New York City. Palin: "We’re all about[Read More…]