The Park Forest Public Library announces September events: two films, a painting class, knitting sessions, and Library Cards Sign-Up Month.
Forest Preserve Hosts National Night Out, Perseid Star Gazing Programs, and More
Enjoy the Perseid Meteor Shower with no light pollution at the Forest Preserve District of Will County. This and more as August begins.
Love-Rock Musical HAIR Comes to The Drama Group
The Drama Group ends its celebrated 92nd season with the sensational, groundbreaking Tribal Love-Rock musical HAIR, directed by Andy Leahy
Park Forest Library in August: Cooking Classes, Coffee, and Dreamgirls
The Park Forest Public Library has two cooking classes in August to help you prepare treats that your guests will love.
Latest SSTI Home Rehab Project Ready for Sale
Park Forest hosted an open house on June 25 to showcase the latest home rehab project as part of the South Suburban Trades Initiative.
Kids Fishing Derby, Cicada and Bird Viewing, History Encounter: Forest Preserve Offerings
Kids Fishing Derby: Two sessions, 7-9 a.m. and 10 a.m.- noon, Saturday, June 29, Hidden Lakes Trout Farm, Bolingbrook.
The Bodeans to Headline Third Annual Southside Summer Festival
The BoDeans will headline the third annual Southside Summer Festival, presented by Marist, on Saturday, July 20th, 2024.
Park Forest Library Director Osuch Retiring
After a long career serving south suburban library patrons, Park Forest Library Director Barbara Osuch, announced her retirement.
Freedom Hall Announces 2024-2025 Schedule: Tickets On Sale in September
The 2024-2025 Freedom Hall schedule features some returning favorites, nationally known acts, a special Christmas show, and more.
Park Forest Offers Travel Package to Watch the Bears Play in London
Park Forest is organizing a trip to London for the 2024 NFL WEEK 6 match-up between the Chicago Bears and Jacksonville Jaguars.