Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)—January 4, 2016 By: George Ochsenfeld Fighting violence with violence is not only morally immature, it creates more problems than it solves. Making ‘martyrs’ out of ISIS fighters, while killing thousands of non-ISIS civilians as ‘collateral damage’, merely increases recruitment to extremist groups by feeding the flames of[Read More…]
Author: eNews Park Forest
Still Blaming President Obama? Time To #VoteDemocrat
Commentary By Bruce Lindner The day Barack Obama was sworn in back on 1/20/09, the unemployment rate stood at 7.8% and was rising fast, peaking at 10% in October of that year. On the very day he took the oath on Abraham Lincoln’s Bible, eleven Republicans—including both the current Speaker[Read More…]
Take Charge of Your Health Program for Older Adults and their Caregivers Coming to Park Forest
Evidence-based health programs for older adults and their caregivers Park Forest, IL-(ENEWSPF)- AgeOptions and Park Forest Health Department present a program on how to take care of your health again, a special series for senior citizens and their caregivers. Meeting in six (6) sessions, the program will take place at[Read More…]
Don’t Forget: Donald Trump Wants To Bang His Daughter (Video)
Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows No, we’re not making this up. From Trevor Noah at the Daily Show. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has an extensive and unsettling history of hitting on his own daughter Ivanka Trump. (5:35)
Park Forest Police Share Photo of Alleged Suspect In Connection With $400 Retail Theft
Park Forest, IL-(ENEWSPF)- The Park Forest Police want to know if you know this man. According to a statement issued by police, this man allegedly stole an item worth $400 from the 7-Eleven on Sauk Trail. eNews Park Forest reported on this, “A Balance Board valued at $399.99 was reported[Read More…]
To The Editor: Empowering Small Donors through Campaign Finance Reform
To The Editor: We would like to think that the strength of our voice is not dependent on the size of our wallets. Today, however, money speaks louder than votes. For instance, a recent Politico investigation found that the 67 biggest donors to the current election have given more than[Read More…]
Americans for Safe Access to Host Workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church on Nov. 10
Park Forest, IL—(ENEWSPF)–Americans for Safe Access will host a workshop on the ‘Truth About Medical Marijuana’ at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church (UUCC), 70 Sycamore Drive, Park Forest, on Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. This workshop will focus on the Endocannabinoid System and is the final of a series[Read More…]
eNews Park Forest Advertising Policy
I. POLICIES The advertiser hereby agrees with the company, that no representation of any kind has been made to the advertiser by the company, or any of its agents, and that no understanding has been had or agreement entered into by them, other than that embodied in the eNews Park[Read More…]
Photography Club
Park Forest Photography Club Join Us Third Wednesday of each month Freedom Hall 7:30 p.m. Orchard & Lakewood Park Forest, IL For more information call 748-2005 2006 Competition Themes January: Photographer's Choice February: Clocks and/or parts of clocks
Advertise With eNews Park Forest
View our current ad structure here. Park Forest, IL–(ENEWSPF)– The last year has been very exciting as we’ve worked to establish eNews Park Forest as a reliable source of news for residents of the Village of Park Forest. We have fulfilled our commitment to publish one new issue every week,[Read More…]